This is a reality blog-show series that follows a group of young girls as they try to prove they have what it takes to make it as of becoming the fierce Wannabe on Top.
10 young hopefuls aged 16-21 were selected to compete for the title of Pinoy Wannabe. The finalists will undergo a series of challenges, tasks, and trainings, which will transform them from attractive girls-model-wannabe into potential working models.
The girls must exhibit both inner and outer beauty as they learn to master complicated catwalks, fashion photo-shoots and perfect publicity skills.
The panel of judges includes creative fashion stylist Pib Cap, photographer/art director Ethan Yamamoto and grooming guru Pat Largoza. In addition, special guest judge(s) will appear to critique within his or her area of expertise. Also part of the creative team are model coach Nikki Fajardo, photographer/video editor Jamie Berenguer and production head Justin BaƱez.
10 young hopefuls aged 16-21 were selected to compete for the title of Pinoy Wannabe. The finalists will undergo a series of challenges, tasks, and trainings, which will transform them from attractive girls-model-wannabe into potential working models.
The girls must exhibit both inner and outer beauty as they learn to master complicated catwalks, fashion photo-shoots and perfect publicity skills.
The panel of judges includes creative fashion stylist Pib Cap, photographer/art director Ethan Yamamoto and grooming guru Pat Largoza. In addition, special guest judge(s) will appear to critique within his or her area of expertise. Also part of the creative team are model coach Nikki Fajardo, photographer/video editor Jamie Berenguer and production head Justin BaƱez.
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